Pain-focused BDSM toys-Mel Harness Dildo

Colour Super Soft Bronze
Size 1X Regular S 2X
Base Style FlushCup

Now available with a FlushCup™ suction base or SquarePegToys® for harness or machine play.

Meet Mel like SquarePegToys® did back in June of 2012 during the nationwide charity fundraising tour to celebrate my 15th year. He came to the "Make Your Own Dildo" workshop and made a nice cast of his hand. Over the course of the day there was ample time for conversation and my intentions of starting a line of Realistic toys came up. Mel mentioned he might have something worthwhile and whipped it out! Needless to say, we made arrangements for him to return at the end of the next day’s workshop to get it cast. What a job!

The toy is an exact replica in every detail with him about 80% erect I would guess. It’s not an easy thing staying hard in a cool gelatinous medium. There is a smooth spot near the base were the mold got damaged, and his cock was so beautifully veiny (something that large needs a lot of blood) that I actually had to sand them down a bit. In real life veins collapse, but in silicone they add way too much texture to feel real. He is also uncut, so we needed to fill in the area just behind the glans for production purposes.

Mel is his real name, used with his express permission… you see, it seems Mel is quite the exhibitionist and delights in knowing his member is being enjoyed the world over.



Height 7" • Max Circumference 6"


Height 8 1/2" • Max circumference 7"


Height 8 3/4" • Max Circumference 7 3/4"


Height 9 3/4" • Max Circumference 8 1/2"