BDSM toy chain uses-Leo Harness Dildo

Colour Graphite
Size 1X 2X Regular S
Base Style FlushCup Plain flat base

Leo is a tall, handsome man that SquarePegToys® met through a group of friends and as most are, SquarePegToys® were immediately drawn to his confident and masculine energy.

Once Leo knew what SquarePegToys®did for a living his eyes sparked and a big smile opened up across his face. "I have something to show you" he chuckles, and without any bashfulness or delay he proceeds to extract a hefty piece of meat from his fly, already mostly hard from the idea of it all we guess.

You see, as it turns out Leo is a huge exhibitionist, and I was happy to oblige.

As witnessed in the final result, the casting session went very well, with SquarePegToys® doing my utmost to help you all get the most authentic and fully loaded example of his manhood.


INCHES Head Circ. Height
Small 5" 7.4"
Regular (Actual Size)
5.8" 9"
1X 6.8" 10"
2X 7.5" 11"